Joe Cieplinski

heavy clouds over deep canyon with juniper trees

Canyon view with clouds, spring colors

Deep canyon with bushes and trees and a clouded sky

Chipmunk hiding behind a rock

Blue sky, clouds, canyon in the foreground.

 Clouded sky over large canyon. Black and white.

Rock formations in Black Canyon of the Gunnison

I guess I just don’t get the immediate assumption that this will become a “wear 24-hours a day” device.

As much as I appreciate (and share) the fears some have about the social effects of strapping a headset on our faces, I can’t help but question why so many think it’s an all-or-nothing proposition?

We can wear a headset a few hours and then still go out to dinner with our friends, right?

AirPods dialog in Dark Mode alone was worth the update to iOS 17.

AirPods connection iOS dialog window in Dark Mode

Canyon with river flowing. Black and White.

Not surprising, but Apple is the first company to present an AR/VR product that I actually find compelling. And they did it by selling it as a productivity device, rather than just a gaming/entertainment device.

Deep canyon with clouded sky in black and white

View of Black Canyon of the Gunnison's painted wall. Blue sky. Clouds. Winding river below.

Spring trees with sparse leaves lining both sides of a winding creek

Looking up at the inside of a waterfall cave, with maple trees outside

Cloudy view of Blue Ridge Mountains, green valley below

Thanks, whoever at Apple decided to put our little Boulder gathering on the “Beyond WWDC” page.…

Black and White large rock edifice lit by the morning sun.

Red tall rocks illuminated by the morning sun, blue sky.

Sun shining on red rock from Garden of the Gods park. Blue sky.

Rock face with blue sky and rising sun

Looking forward to seeing Black Canyon of the Gunnison today. Any day you get to visit a National Park is a good day.

If I’ve learned nothing else in my many years dealing with Apple, it’s that whenever they tell you your password is incorrect, it’s almost never your password that’s the problem.

Indoor pipes. Black and white.